The LYLAS Podcast
If you know what LYLAS stands for, then this podcast is for you! Two besties since middle school turned moms and psychologists dish on "the good, the fun, and the yucks" of life! We're tackling all things mental health, "mom balance" (whatever the hell that is), transitions in life (divorce, career, aging parents, parent loss, loss of friendships), self-care, travel, healthy habits, raising kids, and allllllll the things us midlife mamas are experiencing. We hope each week listeners feel like they just left a good ol' therapy session with their bestie! We'll dish on all the tips and tricks to keep your mental health in check and enjoy this thing called life! Meet your life's newest cheerleaders-- Sarah & Jen! LYLAS!
The LYLAS Podcast
The LYLAS Podcast, Re-Release for the Summer, "Messages from the Hollywood Medium"
Here it is! The re-release of Jen's life-changing experience from talking to "The Hollywood Medium, Tyler Henry!" 👻 Listen along as Jen details how she scored a reading with the most sought-after medium on the planet! Not only did she receive messages from her Dad, and grandparents, but a surprise guest came through that she least expected! This experience completely changed her perception of loss and provided such peace to her soul. If you’ve ever lost someone you loved dearly, this episode is most certainly for you!!!
Please be sure to checkout our website for previous episodes, our psych-approved resource page, and connect with us on social media! All this and more at www.thelylaspodcast.com
Hey folks, it is Sarah Stevens, with the Lylas podcast, coming to you again with another re-release from season two. What are we talking about this time? Jen is going deep into her conversation that she had with none other than the Hollywood medium, tyler Henry. This episode is so cool because it is personal, it is life changing and it really shows that how, if we are willing to open ourselves up to all possibilities, true messages have the possibility of then coming through. Be sure to tune in to all of our episodes on the Lylas Podcast by following us on whatever podcast platform you choose to use, as well as all of our social media accounts. Give us some likes and subscribes, as well as suggestions, as we are going to be kicking it in to season four, coming in the fall of 2024.
Speaker 2:Welcome to LILAS. If you grew up in the 90s, you probably know what that stands for, and this podcast is for you and here we are.
Speaker 1:We are at season two, episode 16. Or for our listeners who chimed in and gave us their feedback, this is episode 36. So thank you all very much. I can't believe we're at 36. Wow.
Speaker 2:Exciting. I'm excited about today's topic because I feel like it's a fun one and I'm vibing high today, so I'm excited to have something fun to talk about. At the same time, not to bring the vibe down.
Speaker 1:No, but it was really funny.
Speaker 1:Um, just to kind of, jen and I have talked before about how sometimes you just match a person's energy and I think that we do that naturally, sometimes without even speaking before or knowing it, and so we were texting each other just this morning and, just as an example, it's been about two months since I've had to be in like a structured environment and I didn't realize that.
Speaker 1:You know, for my entire life, up into the last two months, it has been a very structured environment, from school to school, to school, straight from school to work, to work, to work. And now that I don't have that kind of consistency, I was sitting in a chair for three hours and, I swear to God, I had to apologize to the guy next to me like 8,000 times because I was doing as much chair yoga as I could, like bouncing up and down, I was losing my damn mind because of that whole you just get. So I was just juiced and amped and just not used to sitting or being still for that period of time. And then I texted you and you're like I'm totally vibing right now. Great news, big things happen, and I'm like there's someone out in the universe that's like me, oh, and I'm glad it's you.
Speaker 2:I know it's. I am really paying attention to energy lately and just like my vibe and what's going well, what's not going well, and really leaning into all of these things and, like I was telling you before, like the vibe is just high right now, Like things are starting to really show themselves and, whether you believe in manifesting or not, like there's something to I've been writing down, I don't know, maybe the last two, three months, like writing down goals or wishes, just things that I want to put out into the universe. Those things are coming to fruition right now and it's just it's. It's kind of crazy when you think about all the things we kind of have control over. You know it's just interesting, it's funny how things are presenting themselves sort of out of nowhere.
Speaker 1:So it is thing times here. Yeah, well, and as part of that I mean I guess on a similar thread you've really had some things be speaking back to you, which is brings us to our topic for today right, yep, listening to your intuition a little bit brings us to our topic for today.
Speaker 2:Right, yep, listening to your intuition a little bit. So we we never have a plan for this podcast. We literally text each other the morning of more, like, what should we talk about today? And this just sort of um popped up in my brain because, uh, let's see what's today, friday. So Wednesday would have been my dad's 69th birthday. So 10 years, 10 birthdays we've now celebrated without him and I always post, because we always sing happy birthday and it's a good way for me to, you know, remember him and have some like have my kids remember him? Those types of things. So I had posted and someone responded in my DMS and just said this is so sweet, but how do you get through it without breaking down? Like, how can you?
Speaker 2:say happy birthday without sobbing, and I responded just saying you know, it actually brings me a lot of joy to do these things because it helps me keep his memory alive. I think if you've ever lost somebody close to you, one of your biggest fears is that they're going to be forgotten. And that's not anything that you know you hope for. And so by doing it I feel like my kids, as they get older, they're asking a lot more questions about him and I just I love this idea that we're celebrating someone they've never met before, but they really sort of get into it and we sing very loud so he can hear us all the way in heaven and it's just. It's a really sweet moment. I never get emotional really about it because I find so much joy in it.
Speaker 2:And then she responds and so I'm telling her all this. And she responded back and she was like I know what you mean. We had recently met with a medium and you know the medium had shared that we have to just kind of view them in this like really peaceful light and that they're happy. And she was like it just really brought so much peace to our family. They had somebody pass unexpectedly and and I said, oh, I know what you mean, and so I had actually won a reading with a Hollywood medium. Have you ever heard of them before? Tyler Henry.
Speaker 1:No, for, and I don't know how I I hadn't, but I just stepped out of that world, I guess for a little bit, but I love the story yeah, so I watched his television show.
Speaker 2:He reads all the celebrities. He's a very young guy and I've watched his show for years. Or had you know, back when it was on? He had a show, I think it was on mtv or E or something like that. Anyway, it was called the Hollywood medium.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:And he has read, like the Kardashians, like anybody, any like famous person, pretty much. He's done a reading for them and I always found his show so interesting because these people, a lot of them, were skeptical going into it.
Speaker 2:And then at the end of it they're like sobbing. And then it would interview them after and they're just like I can't believe all the things that were coming through for me and there's no way he could have known these things. And so I was always very intrigued, like, oh, that's so interesting. I would love to connect with my dad, but like, what are the odds I'm ever going to be able to?
Speaker 2:A afford with the Hollywood medium and then also like, get on his schedule. Anyway, fast forward to 2020. We're in the pandemic and I'm watching the show. It was on reruns on some channel and he there was a commercial that came on. It was like if you would like to win a free reading with Tyler Henry, go to the Instagram page and comment on his most recent posts. Okay, and so I did, and I'm reading through all the posts before I decide what I'm going to post. And a lot of them are like I just lost my dad, my mom, my brother. I'd like to connect, but you know a lot of these like things and I just got this idea to just try to put something funny in there, like maybe you know something different. And I commented and said I'd even washed my hair for a Skype date with you.
Speaker 1:Pick me, because no one was doing this, no one was washing their hair during the pandemic.
Speaker 2:I mean this was like height of the lockdown, this was like April 2020. And so you know, I put it down like I mean thousands of people commented and it's going to randomly pick three people and so, for whatever reason, my kids weren't here. They must've gone to my in-laws. And so Jeff and I had had sort of like a date night. We had gone down to the neighbor's dock, had a couple of beers and gone to bed. And so I wake up the next morning without my glasses on and I just grabbed my phone and I had like a notification that said Tyler Henry has, uh, has mentioned you on a post. I'm like no way you know.
Speaker 1:And could you believe it was that quick?
Speaker 2:Well, I knew that he was going to pick somebody, but I didn't know when it like. But even still, I was like no way. And then, like, I opened it and it was like you, you know, he had listed like the three people that he randomly selected. And so I won a reading, a free reading with the Hollywood medium Tyler Henry, and his person reached out to me and, you know, set it all up. We did it via Skype and he asked that I be home alone.
Speaker 2:And so my husband took the kids and I wasn't allowed to record it, but he suggested that I take notes. He was like some things aren't going. I wasn't allowed to record it, but he suggested that I take notes. He was like some things aren't going to make sense to you right now, but take notes and refer back to them later. Like things may make sense later. And so I was so nervous because obviously I wanted to connect with my dad, but also, like you, just I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know if he was going to tell me, like you know, like something terrible was going to happen to it, like you know, I just had no idea.
Speaker 2:I had no concept. I had never had any sort of reading like that. I have a friend that had done a reading with someone here locally and she was kind of like nudging me to do it and I had really looked into it but had never scheduled anything. So anyway, I, um, I had a few of like my dad's stuff around and um, were you supposed to, or did you do that?
Speaker 2:independently. Well, I watched the show right and he typically asked people to bring something and he'll hold it like while he's doing the reading if they want to like channel, like a certain person, okay, and so, um, it was very interesting, but I got to tell the story because it really it still gives me goosebumps to think about the. The night before my reading, I got a text from my aunt indicating that my dad's youngest brother had passed away, and it was. It was a sad situation, unexpected. You know, they had found him, he had been alone and passed away and nobody knew about it. This wasn't something. I mean, I had just found out his family. So you know, it wasn't something that we put out on social media, like nothing had been mentioned, no obituary, anything like that.
Speaker 2:So, fast forward to the next day.
Speaker 2:I have my reading and the very first thing he says to me I've got my notes here cause I had to go back and look at them.
Speaker 2:But the very first thing he says to me I've got my notes here because I had to go back and look at them. But the very first thing he said to me was like I've got this man here and he's a, he's your dad and I'm like okay, and he's like he wants you to know that his brother that just passed away, that he did not die alone, um, that he was there and that he helped him cross over and that he knows he won't have a traditional funeral or anything like that, and that he's okay with that. And when I tell you no one could have known that information, I mean besides, like our immediate family, there's zero chance he could have known that that happened. Oh my gosh, and I knew. I mean I remember just my entire body getting goosebumps and I, you know, I was a little bit skeptical going into it and I remember just welling up with tears because I thought this, like this is him.
Speaker 1:This is it yeah.
Speaker 2:Really talking through this man. To me it was wild. I mean the whole reading was wild. He, you know he just nailed my dad's personality when he was describing him and and he's you know he was talking about this big smile and that he was sort of like this Rico Suave, like ladies man, and but that he was like a manly man and just some of the, the direct um messages that he had for me and for my mom and for my brother, they were so spot on, like so spot on to things that had happened in our family and that, honestly, just no one knew about, like things that were never public knowledge.
Speaker 2:So it was really really um comforting in many ways, like he was able to answer many questions that I had just surrounding his death and you know that he didn't suffer and that you know his health had been in a decline and had he stayed here he would not have been able to do the things he wanted to do and he didn't want to live like that. I mean, just so many answered questions that sort of had been swirling in my mind forever or since his death anyway. Um, and so it was just, it was so comforting and I think that's what. When I think back I'm like you know it's. It's not that I don't miss him, I don't really get super upset anymore. You know, it's been almost 10 years. I don't really like every now and then I have a good hard cry, but there's so few and far between, because I see his spirit or his presence in so many everyday little things that happen that it just sparks so much joy.
Speaker 2:I'm like he is still here, you know, and some of the things he told me, like that he sees, you know, himself in my son and that he communicates with me through my son. And you know, I've I think I've said on this podcast before some of those examples of just how Jack will say things randomly out of nowhere.
Speaker 2:And I just have to laugh now because I know exactly where it's coming from and and that that is in fact him.
Speaker 2:He says that he watches over my kids like a hawk and as a mother, that gives me incredible peace to know that somebody is watching over them. Uh, and that my grand you know my grandparents came through, who I was very close to, and he kept referring to something and it didn't make sense to me at the time and I had written down I have all these question marks around it because it was. He was talking about something about like curlers in the hair and and he was like something about putting it in your hair. And I'm like I'm sorry, I have like no idea what you're talking about, you know. And he's like, well, just write it down, like whatever. And then I was, maybe a year later, like going through pictures and categorizing them and putting them, and I had like a box of favorite photos and I pulled it out and it's this picture of me at my fifth birthday party putting these little curlers in my grandfather's hair. Oh my gosh.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I mean it was just, I was like, instantly I knew exactly, I was like, ah, this is what he's talking about. You know so many little things that were so interesting and it was very, very comforting to know that, while they're not here, and it's still surrounding us and it's still supporting us and it really gives me a lot of strength in times when I'm struggling with something, to know that I sort of have like these big, bold, beautiful souls on my side. And you know, I just think that's the beauty and I know a lot of people have feelings about. I mean, I think the Bible even says like not to consult with mediums. Um, and I consider myself a pretty spiritual person, but I just it brought so much peace to my heart and knowing that he's still around, it was just such a really beautiful experience. I remember you talk about vibrating Like. I remember just like whole body buzz when that reading ended.
Speaker 1:Really.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean my brother's good friend that had passed away when we were in high school. My brother was in college at the time, but he came through in that reading again. That was all like pre social media I don't know that there's ever been anything about him, um, on social media and yeah't know that there's ever been anything about him on social media. And yeah, he came through with very specific details and a message. You know, just things like that. It was just so wild to experience it. I'm so grateful that I had that opportunity.
Speaker 1:Wow, I mean, whenever you were talking about this and the, I guess, the after effects of it, like right after the reading got done, like what did you do? Like what kind of state were you in? I mean, did you cry? Were you like laughing? I mean, did the kids come home and get distracted, like what was the next thing that happened?
Speaker 2:did the kids come home and get distracted, like what was the next thing that happened? Um, I was like I said, I was like almost like I had a buzz, like I was high, honestly, because it was like I had just sat in a room and had coffee with the people that I loved that have passed away. You know, my grandparents came through, my dad, uh, my brother's friend, um, trying to think there were like six people, um, and they were all kind of like jockeying for his attention. Um, I have to go back. You know, I had not looked at these notes since I took them in May of 2020. And I was looking at them this morning again, like almost buzzing at how many things have come true that he sort of predicted or gave me information about. You know, certain things that didn't make sense at the time. But, um, now I'm like, ah, that makes a lot more sense.
Speaker 2:Uh, those types of things. Uh, I'm trying to think if there was anybody else specific that came through. I think those were like the big ones. Um, were those four people? He did give me some, like you know, career advice. He gave me some health advice, some things to watch out for.
Speaker 2:You know, in hindsight, I wish I have since then, I would say within the last year, I started really digging, trying to find out who my maternal grandfather or paternal grandfather is, and like I wish I had that opportunity to ask just like, am I on the right track? Like I've I've hit a lot of dead ends with that and, um, there's not many people around that can give me information and you know, I wish I could reach out and just see if I could get some information on that. But it's, it's such an interesting.
Speaker 2:If you've ever lost somebody you're super close to, I highly encourage you to just consider it, especially if it's something like a death that you're struggling with, especially a parent, a child, you know, somebody that just really has rocked your soul in losing them. It can, I believe, bring so much peace to a person in knowing that they're happy. I mean, that's the thing that my dad has this big smile on his face and he's watching over you and he's just he knows you have all the tools that you're going to need in life and he's just really proud. You know, like all of them and so you know I think sometimes people need a little bit of closure, especially if you all somebody unexpectedly like you know my dad and his passing like.
Speaker 2:we obviously did not expect that to be the last time, you know, last conversation we ever had. So, yeah, I just think that it's. It can be such a magical thing and I think that's why I don't have a lot of heavy grief. Do I wish you were here? Absolutely Do I wish my kids knew him 1000%. But do I sit and cry and, you know, have a hard time talking about him? I don't, um, I I have a lot of peace surrounding that loss, wow.
Speaker 1:Do you think that you would have had that peace had you not had this experience?
Speaker 2:I don't because I wasn't convinced about some things you know there were. Just I had some lingering questions about his death and I don't know, I just, you know it was sudden and there were some things going on in our lives and I just, yeah, I, I it answered a lot of those things for me and just gave me like a real finality about like it happened the way it was supposed to. This was God's plan. You know he's happy and it's okay. It's okay.
Speaker 1:Yeah, wow, I mean that really says something about you and your willingness to kind of reach into this and to just see what could happen, because your whole life trajectory could have been different had you not maybe you know what I mean Reached out, made that post and then had that experience with Tyler had that experience with Tyler.
Speaker 2:I think I've always had I don't even know what you would call it like fascination, or just I've always had a lot of thoughts about death, and even as a little kid, my mom said that I would constantly ask her about death and what happens. And you know, I've always considered myself pretty spiritual and sought out a relationship with God, and so I just think that, having had all of these thoughts about it, and then, you know, when my grandfather was still alive, we were I don't even know how it came up, but we had a conversation like well, if you die before me, let's, you know, let's make sure we communicate with one another. I probably insisted on that and I I remember specifically I was coming up with this thing that he used to drink coffee all the time, black coffee, and I ate a lot of like um, baked potatoes as a kid, because you know, I don't know, I just did and um, and so we came up with this pact that if I died before him and he was drinking a black coffee and it turned red, that that meant I was thinking of him, and then if I ate a baked potato and opened it up and it was black on the inside. That meant that he was thinking about me. No way, I don't. If I don't eat baked potatoes anymore, I couldn't tell you. The last time it was probably when I was like 16. Last time I had one um, and he didn't die until I was in my, until like 19.
Speaker 2:But, um, yeah, I I often wonder, you know, and I probably had that same conversation with my dad at some point, like if you die, like I need you to communicate with me, because it's always like something that I've brought up over and over again. I've just really curious about death and what happens and you know all the things. I don't think anybody isn't curious about that or have some like healthy fear. I remember asking my dad if he was afraid to tie and he would always say no, I'm not, I know what my soul's going and I've lived a good life. But you know he would always say no, I'm not, I know where my soul's going and, um, I've lived a good life, but you know, he would say things like that and he really was not fearful of anything in life. Um, and so I just think that if anybody could find a way to communicate with me, it would be my dad.
Speaker 2:And so the fact that this happened, and you know, in the way that it happened, um, because it's something that I don't want to say, I manifested it. But I had thought about every time I watched that show I'd be like, oh, if I could only, like I would love to know what he would say to me from my dad, you know. And then it happened. Like who the hell does that happen to? I guess I am pretty lucky, but yeah, just the fact that it happened was so wild to me. And then it, you know, once again just reaffirmed. I'm like, yeah, where there's a will, there's a way, and we were so spiritually connected that he was going to find a way to communicate with me. And now I see it all the time. I, you know it's, it's humorous to me. Now I'm like, oh, there you are. I just kind of laugh about it.
Speaker 1:Well, and recently too, you said that you've got. I mean, the reading was three-ish years ago right May 21st 2020. Okay, and even today you're reading through your notes and you still find things that, from that, are speaking to you now. That's interesting.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because I remember one thing specific was in regard to my career, and when it didn't happen, he had kind of thrown out six to eight months, not saying that necessarily that that's when it was going to happen, like six to eight months from the reading. But he was like I just keep seeing this time of like six to eight months. That's what I had written down, time of six to eight months. And I'm like okay, and so after, in my mind, I interpreted that as something's going to happen six to eight months from today's date, 2020.
Speaker 2:And when it didn't, I was like okay, like maybe he, maybe he just got that wrong, right, like maybe he's not great at predicting the future. He's great at connecting with spirit, but not great at predicting the future. And so I sort of like brush that off and hadn't really given it much thought. And then you know I I went back to work about six to eight months ago and, um, you know, I recently had some opportunities come available, very much what he had sort of predicted in that reading. And so when I was reading it this morning, going back through my notes from that reading, I mean I have like six pages of notes oh my gosh, I'm back through it and I got to that part I I literally lit up from the inside.
Speaker 2:I was like holy shit, what he was talking about, I was interpreting it like it was going to happen six to eight months from that day of the reading. But he's talking about my current situation Like it is completely applicable to what's happening right now in my life and it's very, very exciting and also nerve wracking because it's a departure from what I've done in the past, um, as my role as a school psychologist. This is a different opportunity and he flat out called you know, this is going to be a change for you. You're going to be nervous, but you should do it. And I'm like holy shit.
Speaker 2:Like my meditations, I've been requesting a lot of clarity, right, and this morning I did pretty lengthy meditation as the sun was coming up, really tapping into that and asking for clarity and a lot of it. For me, meditation is also prayer and and I just kind of kind of like combined the two, you know, in many ways and yeah, and then I literally walked downstairs to get ready to go meet some friends for coffee and was flipping through these you know, notes from three and a half years ago and I was like holy shit. So it's just, it's wild to me. I think that you know. Certainly there were some things that produced a little bit of anxiety for me in terms of some predictions he gave about my health, but it has also made me stay on top of appointments and making sure that.
Speaker 2:I'm paying attention to that kind of stuff and so I think there's some beauty in that too, in that, like I'm not willing to go two or three years without a checkup or or getting things tested, like I'm pretty cognizant of the fact that you know he said you need to go every year to the specific doctor and I'm like okay, I'm going to do that because you, you know, predicted this and especially in light of, like, some of the other things that have come to fruition, I'm like, uh, yeah, I think, uh, I think a will Wow.
Speaker 1:How cool, what a powerful thing. So I have to ask then so at what point did you decide to have this as, like, a topic of today? Was it before or after you went to your notes? Like what made you go back to the notes from your reading today?
Speaker 2:um, well, like, that exchange happened yesterday. Like I was going back and forth in my dms with, okay, um, it's a good friend of mine, her sister. She had just responded to my story and she was like it's so sweet that you do this and sometimes I struggle with whether or not to put that on social media, but then I'm like fuck it. Like you know, I think it's healthy to show that we still to show a healthy way of grieving, if that makes sense. Like it's not all doom and gloom. You can keep someone's memory alive, that you care deeply for it all being like surrounded by sadness.
Speaker 2:And I you know the post I've made are like my kids singing to the top of their lungs in front of like a birthday cake with candles lit up. You know, I just snapped a quick picture of them and and they pull out the candles. You know, just because part of it, why I take pictures when we do this, I, I love to see them growing through the years and but, like they, my son is at an age now where it makes sense to him. Like he, he knows that my dad they both know my dad is not here, obviously, but he, he has a lot of questions, and he always has, and but now, like whenever we celebrate his birthday, they're asking me more questions about who he was as a person.
Speaker 2:They'll ask me if I miss him, and so it gives me an opening to teach them about grief and how to process grief, and and I think that's beautiful, like that it doesn't always have to be doom and gloom, and that you're sad forever and your life ends too. When someone you love is gone. Like no, your life goes on and there's a way to honor their memory and really still be happy Like there's. No, there's nothing wrong with being happy. Do it Like I said do I wish that he was still here, a thousand percent but, it's okay to be happy and and still, uh, memorialize him in some way.
Speaker 1:You know, yeah, totally.
Speaker 2:Anyway, I sort of birdwalked there, but this exchange over Instagram DMs or whatever, and then her bringing up the medium, like I had not said anything, she brought it up, about her recent experience with a medium.
Speaker 1:It sort of triggered that thought.
Speaker 2:I don't know. I've had a lot of, like I said, some real hippy-dippy shit going on in my life lately, Some real like messages I feel like I've received recently of just um, things starting to fall into place and make sense to me and it just I don't know, I just sort of clicked. I thought this would be a great topic to talk about, because I don't, you know, people have very strong feelings about mediums and I just I think that it can really help people process grief, and I'm always I feel like our mission and why we started this podcast was to support people and help people find joy and deal with the shit in life.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:The yucks, as we said, and so for me I can easily say this has been one of the most profound experiences of my life was that reading with him, and we've never really talked about that. I think I mentioned it on that episode where we talked about losing a parent but never really gone into depth as far as what was talked about in my reading. A lot of the messages that came through were not actually for me.
Speaker 2:They were for my mom, my brother which was also kind of cool that I got to be that sort of like vessel to give them the message. You know one in particular my brother's friend committed suicide when I was in high school and my brother had always kind of struggled with that. He ended up naming his son after this dear friend of his, and the message that came through. At first I didn't know who Tyler was talking about, and then he said something that made it very clear to me who he was talking about and he said you know, he just wants your brother to know how honored he is that he named his son after him.
Speaker 1:No way, that's what he said. Yeah, and I mean, it was just those types of messages.
Speaker 2:You know, I think about that grief my brother has carried with him since we were, you know, since I was, since he was 20 years old, my brother's 45 now, you know. So I mean like that grief. I was able to give him that message and and I hope that that has alleviated some of his grief as well, knowing that, um, that he does still see, that he does know that Jason carries on his memory those types of things, and I don't know, I just think it's a really beautiful, comforting information.
Speaker 1:I don't know, I just think it's really beautiful, comforting information.
Speaker 1:No, I definitely do too, and I think that kind of tailing onto what you said, the goal of our podcast and talking about these things was really maybe in some ways to normalize a departure from the norm, you know, and that we do all kinds of like heebie-jeebie whatever I don't know what term it was Woo-woo, what you know, different things in order just to kind of get through this whole process of life.
Speaker 1:And I think that that's okay because clearly, what's not working for our society at this time is going through a narrow tunnel of expectations, of standards, of, you know, having to do things the same cookie cutter way and yeah, well, I just think that reaching out into these areas and being willing to share and being willing to talk about it does help to just continue to break that departure from a norm, and I think that that is just so healing and helpful and validating to so many other people's again experiences. And if you want to be be, if the cookie cutter and the standardized thing is cool, god bless you. You know what I mean. You found your fit and if you haven't, you've also found your tribe, you know Right.
Speaker 2:As long as you're doing whatever lights you up inside and you know it helps you be the best version of yourself, which I think is what we're all sort of trying to achieve in this life then it doesn't matter. You know, I feel like. You know, I know plenty of people that don't believe in God and don't believe in organized religion and will challenge me. If you know, if we get into that conversation. It doesn't happen very often, but I've had a few and I, especially when I was younger, I used to say so what if I'm wrong? And I, especially when I was younger, I used to say so what if I'm wrong? So what If you're right? Then nothing happens. But if I'm right, I have a place to go after this life, right, right. And if it brings me contentment and peace to my soul, then who cares? Why do you care what I believe and what helps me process emotion?
Speaker 1:Thank you.
Speaker 2:Yes, I think it's just really getting clear on what we believe and what genuinely lights us up from the inside out. Like that's the space that I'm in in this part of my life, and you nailed it when you said getting away from society, standards and what we've been. We're like undoing all the things that have been ingrained in us that you have to. You know you have to pick a career at 18 and do that for the rest of your life, and then you're going to retire and then you're going to have a few years of your golden age. If you're lucky, maybe travel, have some grandkids, and then you're going to have a few years of your golden age. If you're lucky, maybe travel, have some grandkids, and then you're going to die.
Speaker 2:Well okay, that may be what some people want to do, but what if you want something different? What if that career is not lighting you up from the inside? You chose that career in your early 20s, when we're all you know your brain's not even fully developed at that point. So these are big decisions and I just I love the idea of undoing what society thinks that or what society has taught us that we have to do in life. I love this idea of having the freedom to explore truly what makes us happy and what we were put on this earth to do.
Speaker 2:We all have a purpose. I, I genuinely believe that we all have a purpose, and it's just you've got to find it and then be willing to go for it.
Speaker 1:That's right. Yeah, you have to take that extra reach and extra stretch for it for sure.
Speaker 2:I'd like to think that you and I both are sort of. I'd like to think that you and I both are sort of walk in the walk in that regard.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's good to have a partner.
Speaker 2:It definitely makes it easier Someone to kind of lift you up and remind you that you can do those things.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, well, and I think again, there's just that I don't know that there's much, that there's not much that you've said that I haven't done. You know what I mean. Or kind of like dived into, like I'm drinking the green juice. I love it, it's fantastic. Yeah, every day I love it, you know.
Speaker 1:But I think it's that willingness to I would, if somebody else would have told me to do that, I don't know if I would have, but since it came from you and that we're in the same kind of space and place, I just think it holds a different level of validity to it, you know. But I just think it's having these conversations and then just being willing to do it. You know, just, it doesn't matter what it is. If you heard that something that we've talked about has been helpful for us, just I don't know, maybe give it a go, see what can happen. It can really be very, very changing in a lot of ways. So so what would you say then? Because not everybody's going to get the opportunity to enter a contest and talk to Tyler. Yeah, how do we find these people? Like I know that they exist, I mean sometimes, I mean maybe they don't exist. I'm sure they exist here. They just don't post about as much here. I'm in the Bible belt, I'm thick in it.
Speaker 2:Well, so am I, you know, I live in South. Carolina, like I said, my friend Claire I'm going to shout out Claire because she's a listener and a lovely friend of mine she, she had a reading by a local medium here.
Speaker 2:And so, you know, and same thing, like some things that came through for her were really, really touching and and I would say that she would say the same thing, sort of life-changing in that way. Um, you know, I would say, seek out, like I think, like with anything there's going to be quacks. Any professional care, what you do, there's going to be people that are not there for the right reasons, and you know you just have to do your best. Look at reviews. And because I had very much looked into the medium that Claire went to and was going, you know, I had even talked to my mother-in-law. She was on board, we were going to do it, but most readings you need to do alone, because you know what I mean. They're communicating.
Speaker 2:They want to be able to get the message to you and if you have more people in the room it's kind of hard to decipher. I get the sense. The research that I did prior to and I mean this was years ago and so, yeah, I think, just just look for a medium that's got good reviews or or reach out to somebody if you know anyone that's ever had a reading and I, interestingly enough, I was listening to the Mel Robbins podcast, big fan of that podcast and I was listening to an old episode she had posted a couple of weeks ago and she had a medium on there and I was listening to it this morning and just listening to some of the things she was saying. Just there are.
Speaker 2:She says everyone's a medium that we all have, um, just some people have like a little bit more heightened sense, um, to connect with dead people and she has what she says on the pot on the her podcast. But, um, that's a great episode too. I'm not even I haven't even finished it yet, but I'm only like halfway through. It's great so far, but yeah, just kind of like seeking out that and and and finding somebody. Now you can do everything via zoom. I mean, we record a podcast via zoom, like you can zoom somebody and and have a reading. They have to be in your city, so there's plenty of them out there, wow, cool I love every time you share stories about your dad I, you know, I loved to just like to keep his memory alive.
Speaker 2:he was. He was a good person, he did a lot of good in his life and I think if you don't talk about them, you tend to forget those things too. Um, I don't want to think about the end, I want to think about all the things that came before that and remember that. So I love that this podcast kind of gives me a forum to do that too and share that.
Speaker 1:Amen, amen. Well, gosh, that wraps up our October, I know.
Speaker 2:Happy Halloween.
Speaker 1:Appropriately so perhaps. Right, yeah, right, well, gosh. Again, thanks for sharing that, because that's a really personal story. I think it has a lot of vulnerability kind of attached to it and stigma or whatever else, but this is again what we're on here doing, and so it's really cool and it gives us more things to think about, more things to talk about and just to kind of keep reaching. And, I think, just as one last thing, the fact that you've been so committed which wasn't that your word of the year that you were focused on Consistency, consistency, yeah To your meditative practice, just being so focused on getting clarity. It does seem like that this is you're doing the work.
Speaker 2:And it's starting to all really make sense. Like in the beginning I didn't really know what I was doing. I still don't really know what I was doing. I still don't actually know what I'm doing about anything, but I'm doing the best that I can and really putting effort into it. That's the bottom line when you keep showing up for yourself and you keep doing the work and challenging yourself. That's a big one that I'm starting to realize when you are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. I think about how uncomfortable I used to be recording this podcast and even posting about it. Like I used to just cringe inside like, please, no one listen to me talk, and now I can't. I mean, I love it, I love everything. I love when we record. I love putting it out there. I love getting feedback from people. I'm always so touched by that. Yeah, so I just you have to push the boundary and and try things, or you're just going to stay in the same place. You need to get that boring as hell right, right.
Speaker 1:It's like a passport again, a passport from departure from the norm. We're just. We're collecting our own version of stamps here along the way.
Speaker 2:It's the truth.
Speaker 1:Amen, it's the truth.
Speaker 2:Well, check us out on our Facebook page, lilaspodcastcom, and on Instagram at the lilas podcast Um, I think I said that wrong the lilas podcast on Facebook and go to our website at the lilas podcastcom. If you've ever had a reading, a reading from a medium, we would love to hear about it. So please send us your experiences, let us know. I would love to do a follow-up episode and have somebody on that has done a reading and had just like a life changing event. I remember saying like it was life changing and it truly was because of the peace that it brought me. So I would love to hear if anybody else has had a similar experience.
Speaker 1:Definitely yeah. We're all about sharing and connecting here, so give us a shout out, let us know.
Speaker 2:All right, Well, until next week. Guys and gals yes.
Speaker 1:We's out.